Archive: Confused $INSTDIR

Confused $INSTDIR
I just compiled an installer with this code:

;NSIS Script For This App

;Backgound Colors
BGGradient 800080 000000 FFFFFF
BrandingText " "

;Title Of Your Application
Name "Title"

;Do A CRC Check
CRCCheck On

;Included file(s)
!include servicelib.nsh

;Output File Name
OutFile ${OUT_FILE}

;The Default Installation Directory
InstallDir "D:\Program Files\App"

;The text to prompt the user to enter a directory
DirText "Please select the folder below"

Section "Install"

LogSet On

;Install Files
SetCompress Auto
SetOverwrite on
File /r ".\Deploy\*.*"
...there's more code, but this is where it chokes.

When the "File /r" is run, it's acting like the INSTDIR is 393444. It's giving the error: "Error for opening file for writing: 393444\myDir\filename.fileextenstion".

I'm going to run the build and recompile the nsi file without doing anything differently expecting different results (definition of insanity?), but thought I'd post since it happened.


BTW - where I'm installing it isn't where Kichik had me put windbg and such...

Two causes I can think of are mismatching stubs/makensis.exe or a renegade InstallDirRegKey.

ding ding ding ding, the stubs you gave me. I'm running the logging NSIS, were those stubs for a different version? Do you have the same changes in stubs for the logging version? Our deployments would all fail without the logging version...

I'm using MakeNSIS v2.25 Logging Build

Attached are stubs for 2.31 (won't work with 2.25) with logging. Building that for 2.25 is possible, but it'd take more time and upgrading is good anyway :)

I haven't said this before, but you shouldn't use this for anything else but testing.

Thanks Kichik, I'll upgrade and only use the test stubs directory when I compile the installer for testing.