Archive: Problem with installing one of two directories

Problem with installing one of two directories
Hi all,

I've almost completed my first script; I'm just stuck on the actual main part, which is the installation of the actual files.

My installer can install two components; one is mandatory, one is optional. Both sections would copy a single directory (plus all subdirs/files) to the same $OUTDIR.

Unfortunately that single directory are different forms of the same directory, which is where I got stuck. Let's say it's called Dir1, with 2 versions; a basic one and an advanced one (with extra subdirs/files).

So I set up the following dir structure in the same folder as my script:


... and I tried the following lines:

File /r basic/Dir1

File /r enhanced/Dir1

That didn't work.

The following line _does_ work:

File /r Dir1

But I can't use this since it would in my source directory where my script is, I can only have one form of Dir1 in there at at a time.

I realise I could set up multiple "File" lines copying each subdir in turn, but there's a _lot_ and I wanted to make the script as simple as possible as someone else will be maintaining it.

Any help much appreciated,



File basic\Dir1\*
Notice the forward slash and the asterisk in the end.

Many thanks...
