Archive: setting button value in "instfiles" after sections are done

setting button value in "instfiles" after sections are done
I have an installer with a few custom pages before the "instfiles" pages, and a few after it (no other regular pages).

Consequently, after the installer's sections are done, the button text is "Next >" and not "Close", but I want to change it.

My problem is I can't get the effect I'm after: changing the label of the button after it is reactivated, after the section instructions are done.

* I tried "MiscButtonText", but it affects the entire installer, not just that place
* I tried WM_SETTEXT, in various places (in the section, in ".oInstSuccess", in the callback for the previous/next custom pages) - but none of them are applied at the right time
* I even tried the "MiscButtonTest" approach, with "NextButtonText=Next >" in all the INI pages of the custom pages, but the result is bad visually (on page transitions, the button is first "Close" and then it's changed to "Next >" after a split second, but a noticeable one...)

Any ideas?


Use MiscButtonText with a variable. Set that variable to "Next >" by default and only change it to "Close" on the last section.

Cool! It works perfectly, thanks!

This variable-values feature in NSIS is great.