Archive: How to change the process owner of the installer?

How to change the process owner of the installer?
As a part of my project i am supposed to create a new Windows User with Administrator privileges.
So far i have succeeded in that.
Next what my task is for the process "installer.exe"; (i.e the currently running installer) to change its owner from the logged on user to the newly created user.
In short i want to change the owner of the current process.

Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated.

And by the way,this whole NSIS thing is simply outstanding stuff.Kudos to the development team for such a fantastic effort.


I don't think you can change a process owner/user on the fly. You probably have to start another instance of the same process by calling CreateProcessAsUser or one of the other CreateProcessAs/With api's with the system plugin

Thanks a lot Anders for your information.
Is it possible for you to give an example for the same.
I am a newbie in this awesome technology called NSIS.

I don't think you can change a process owner/user on the fly
Actually you can but it does not seem to be a supported feature (!). Seems to work up to Server 2k3 but is broken in Vista, according to this page. If the calling thread has the SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME privilege, one can use NtSetInformationProcess to change the thread's primary token and as such the security context of the owner.

You need to call LogonUser to get a primary token for the new user, convert the resulting impersonation token to a primary one with DuplicateTokenEx then call CreateProcessAsUser with the new token, in order to start a new process of the program.

Alternatively you can call CreateProcessWithTokenW or the CreateProcessWithLogonW APIs as anders suggested.

I'll try to put this together on a script if time permits, unless someone has it ready.

It would be really helpful to me if you can put up an example.
I am yet to get conversant with the terminologies involved in the System calls made through NSIS.

Then this is an excellent opportunity to get conversant with the system API calls. Start with this LogonUser example and its MSDN description and move to the other API calls. What you are after is rather involved as there are many little details to pay attention to...

After reading the MSDN info on the functions that are mentioned in this thread, I think that the easiest way to start a new process with your new account is by calling from your installer CreateProcessWithLogonW.

Here is a minimal script to get you started:

!define LOGON_WITH_PROFILE  0x00000001
!define CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE 0x04000000
!define CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE 0x00000010
!define CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP 0x00000200
!define strPROCESS_INFORMATION (i,i,i,i)

SetCompressor /SOLID lzma
!include "MUI.nsh"
!include "LogicLib.nsh"

OutFile "TEST.exe"
InstallDir "$PLUGINSDIR"

Section -Ext
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "Starting Notepad as another user:"
System::Alloc ${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN}
Pop $R0
System::Call 'Advapi32::CreateProcessWithLogonW(w "test",w ".",w "1234",i ${LOGON_WITH_PROFILE},w "$SYSDIR\notepad.exe",w "",i ${CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE}|${CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE}|${CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP},,w "$SYSDIR\",,i R0)i.R6 ?e'
Pop $9
${If} $R6 == 0
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Got an error code of '$9'"
System::Call '*$R0${strPROCESS_INFORMATION}(.R1,.R2,.R3,.R4)'
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "The new process started!$\nProcess handle: $R1$\nProcess thread: $R2$\nProcessID: $R3$\nThreadID: $R4$\n"
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION "Press OK to terminate the original process"

Function .onInit

It will start notepad in the security context of the user test with password 1234 (Replace those with your new admin user's values) and will then exit.

Go over the notes on the MSDN page, maybe your scenario needs some extra bits, but the above should be a good starting point.

Thanks a lot CF.
I was able to run your sample code and the notepad's owner was actually the new user i specified.
But then i got stuck.
What i specifically need is that whatever files are installed by the installer ,all of those files should have their preferences(for e.g file owner) set to the new user i just created(new user is created through the same installer process).I mean all these have to be performed through single instance of the running installer.
I was looking for a way to do this through "CreateProcessWithLogonW". But i haven't found a way yet.
I hope i am able to put forth my problem appropriately.


And just to add something more.
I have created a plug-in that encrypts a string using Win32Crypto API in VC(i am new to VC too :) ).
Is there any place i can post my plug-in for others to use.?

Ownership of files/folders you can set from within the installer using the AccessControl plugin...

Also you may want to have a look at the remarks at the end of the CreateProcessWithLogon MSDN page:

By default, CreateProcessWithLogonW does not load the specified user profile into the HKEY_USERS registry key. This means that access to information in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry key may not produce results that are consistent with a normal interactive logon. It is your responsibility to load the user registry hive into HKEY_USERS before calling CreateProcessWithLogonW, by using LOGON_WITH_PROFILE, or by calling the LoadUserProfile function.

What this means is that you can run your program at the security context of your new user, however the user's profile is not loaded and his/her hive is not present in the registry. Changes that you would like to reflect to this user's program preferences will not be saved unless you load the user's profile...

You can attach your plugin on this (or another) thread or you can create a wiki page for it (some related information can be found here)