BMP image as button in nsDialogs?
In nsDialogs, is there a way to map a BMP image onto a button? I was to use a button, but I'd rather have an image on it rather than just plain text. Thanks.
Archive: BMP image as button in nsDialogs?
BMP image as button in nsDialogs?
In nsDialogs, is there a way to map a BMP image onto a button? I was to use a button, but I'd rather have an image on it rather than just plain text. Thanks.
This probably isn't possible without writing some plug-in in C/C++ to create a custom-drawn button.
Actually, the BS_BITMAP icon should do the trick. Create a button with this style and then use the appropriate Windows message to set the image. BM_SETIMAGE sounds like it'd do the trick.
Nice, and according to MSDN if you use BM_SETIMAGE without the BS_BITMAP or BS_ICON styles set, the text will also be displayed along with the image.
>; Set the bitmap.
>System::Call 'user32::LoadImage(i 0, t "$PLUGINSDIR\test.bmp", i ${IMAGE_BITMAP}, i 0, i 0, i ${LR_CREATEDIBSECTION}|${LR_LOADFROMFILE}) i.s'
>Pop $6
Works fine, a bitmap button without text.