Archive: Installing a custom dictionary for MS Word with NSIS

Installing a custom dictionary for MS Word with NSIS
I have created an installation script for installing a custom dictionary into MS Word. I want the script to add the dictionary (bislama.dic) for the current logged in user as their custom dictionary #2.

Custom dictionary #1 "custom.dic" is the deault where all words that you click "Add to Dictionary" normally go to, so I made mine custom dictionary #2.

While the script runs, and copies across the dictionary file and sets the registry entries, Word does not recognise the new words in the dictionary.

If I manually add the dictionary in Word -> Tools -> Options -> Spelling and Grammar -> Custom Dictionaries it works.

I think my problem may be related to the location where I put the dictionary file. I put my file (bislama.dic) into:

C:\Documents and Settings\xxxuser\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Proof

By using InstallDir $LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\Proof

Microsoft stores "custom.dic" into:

C:\Documents and Settings\xxxuser\Application Data\Microsoft\Proof - note there is no "Local Settings" in that path.

Perhaps I need to change $LOCALAPPDATA and not put it under "Local Settings" but store in same place as the MS custom.dic?

Is there a tool that I can use to take a snapshot of the registry before and after I make the manual changes to see where I am going wrong?

I have attached the script in case anyone can shed some light on this for me.

You haven't attached anything and you don't need to as long as your problem is very far from NSIS. You should go to any M$ Office discussion (if there is any).
For comparing the registry keys use "Export to .reg file" and compare the REGs (e.g. in WinMerge).

Oops I forgot to attach the file but thanks for the WinMerge tip - that helped me to find and fix my problem anyway.