Archive: destination folder problem

destination folder problem
Hi I am having a install problem with the $INSTDIR. the first time the application installs it installs to C:\progrm files\application, durring the install files are installed to a bin folder. This works well. The problem is if I would try to install it a second time say if a file has been added the destion folder will now show as C:program files\application\bin this causes a second bin folder to be created and the installation to go to there. My script sets setoverwrite to on. but i am not sure why on the first install the destination folder is C:\program files\application and on a second install it is C:\program files\application\bin should it not be the same destination folder as the first time. the script does set SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\Bin" in the main section. I think this may have something to do with it but if so why is the first time installation only setting the path to C:\program files\application. many thanks for any help anyone can give me :confused:

I'm guessing you are using InstallDirRegKey in your installer. This causes the installer to remember the Bin directory on the second install.

For more details, look it up in the docs.

PS: Please try to use paragraphs :eek:

OK will look this up thanks for the reply, and I will use paragraphs next time.

many thanks

even i faced such kind of problem.
i commented :- InstallDirRegKey HKLM "${PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY}" ""
and now the problem is solved.