Archive: Create an installer for a driver

Create an installer for a driver
Hi everyone!

I need to create an installer for a driver.
As source file I have inf, sys, ini and dll files.

If I install the driver through the operating system (windows 2000) I have to follow the procedure and to select the files.

The aim is to make this procedure automatic.

I suppose that the procedure to install drivers is a standard procedure (copying files somewhere, changing some registry keys,...) that follows the "commands" contained in the files I mentioned (inf, sys, ini...).

Do you know if there is a way to do it with nsis simply giving it the source files I have (inf, sys, ini, dll) ?

Thanks in advance.


There are several threads/wiki pages dealing with drivers...
A few examples:
drivers install, Driver Installation,InstDrv plugin,Driver Installation & Update etc ...

Originally posted by CancerFace
There are several threads/wiki pages dealing with drivers...
A few examples:
drivers install, Driver Installation,InstDrv plugin,Driver Installation & Update etc ...
Thank you really much! :)