Archive: Installing Lotus Notes Database and Start Replication

Installing Lotus Notes Database and Start Replication
Has anyone experience in deploying Lotus Notes-Databases with NSIS?
It would be necessary to check the version (HKLM/Software/Lotus/Notes), find the location of the user's notes.ini (HKCU/Software/Lotus/Notes/Notes.ini) and locate the notes-data directory within that file (Entry DIRECTORY=).
Then the database would be neede to be copied to that directory.
That seem's to be possible.
After that it would be necessary to tell Lotus Notes to start the replication of the database deployed (that should be possible by using the COM-API of Lotus Notes).

Any hint ?

Thanks in Advance,


Reading the registry can be done with ReadRegStr. Reading INI files can be done with ReadINIStr. Copying files can be done with File or CopyFiles. Calling COM API can be done with the System plug-in.