Archive: How to catch cancel action of ExecWait "DotNet20.fx.exe"' $0

How to catch cancel action of ExecWait "DotNet20.fx.exe"' $0
I saw many guys talked about Execwait issue, but no one talk about cancel issue. My issue is that: When installing DotNet 2.0 framework, user clicks cancel to cancel framework install process, how can I get the cancel exception. My NSIS code is like this:
Execwait '"$EXEDIR\DotNet20.fx.exe"' $0
IfErrors 0 done
Messagebox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION "Do you want to cancel setup?" IDYES 0 IDNO Installed

But user cancel install framework, there is no error be catched at 'IfErrors 0 done'. Thank you very much for your help.

Can't you just try to check for .net version after ExecWait?

The error flag will not be set. You need to check the value of $0. 0 is success and anything else is (usually) failure.


Thanks both of you. I take the methods of get version again.