Archive: Update Engine + Registry Version Check...?

Update Engine + Registry Version Check...?
How can i make an Engine to check if there is a new update, if there is for it to download the files and install directly...

Also is there any sites what i can "Mirror" to what can dl the files but i need it to be free...

Last thing, how can i make a registry version/directory

The version of: 4.6.1 or 4.61
A registry edit to show where they installed the files to, and when i make manual patches it to check the registry for the directory and use it...

then when i make a public patch it will check the version if version is newer it will overrite or continue, if its older then it will say about outdated version...

Sorry for so many questions, ive spent like 4 hours in the help guide and im just lost and confused...

EDIT: Last thing, how can i make a full picture across the background on the installer because the examples what come with nsis confused me, and how would i add some Text Like: "LG - Practice Makes Perfect, but why bother"

For an updating system you need a plain text file on a static server that contains information for your updates and possible download URLs. This could be in the form of INI file. You can download this file using one of the available download plug-ins such as NSISdl and inetc and then read from it using ReadRegStr. Once you have the relevant information you can download the main file using the same download plug-in. Writing and reading from the registry is easy with ReadReg* and WriteReg* (in the manual).

To have a background image behind the installer, use BgImage. To have a background image inside the installer, you can try this script or you can try one of the skinning plug-ins available on the Wiki.


Thanks Stu, i will have a look again into the registry

Do you know of any way i can do the updating free, as i do not have a server... if i was to have the txt file hosted on a free site would it be able to download from instant download sites...? the ones what dont need the verification images...

As for BGImage i tryed that but it just didn't woork...

EDIT: with BGImage i looked at example in: D:\Program Files\NSIS\Examples\BgImage

tryed to get it working but it failed....

I wait a single image to show thought my instal, and then at end i want to destroy it, i would also like some text across it... if i understand how to do that im sure i would be able to do a sorta slide show....

What about building the BgImage example and running it to see what it's like.

If you can access a file by typing its address into your address bar and hitting enter then you can download it using the download plug-ins. Websites such as FilePlanet that have 'download queues' will not support downloading via a static URL because the URL is not static.


I tryed editing it and putting it in my own script but its to confusing i dont know what parts are needed and whats not..

That is part of the learning curve I am afraid. Ideally you should look up all the terms in the basic examples in the NSIS manual and the Modern UI manual. You won't be able to jump into making an upgrade system without knowing the basics first.


I do know the basics...

here's my script so far, please tell me if ive made any major mistakes...

Well i edited it some more but i removed my attempts on the background as it never went right... and i cantnot find/understand about the registry version check/path stuff...

well, i tryed aslo adding a weblink to the site. By a shortcut but dont know how to add the parementers to do so.. i looked at: on the documentation/manual with the nsis download

But it didn't help at all...

There is nothing about how to do this but, is it possible to make a few .exe files what the installer extracts to have full access for all users, and run as administrator if possible(vista) by like a parameter what sets it on extraction..

Well no repsonse :(

Been dled 10 times and no response.. :(

To download files you can use NSISdl, InetC or InetLoad.

The script doesn't contain BgImage calls, so I can't really tell what went wrong with that. Maybe XPUI is incompatible with it.

Thanks, well there is another script i tryed using XPUI and it worked fine...

i didnt make the script tho... its just confusing i duno what bit i need and what i dont