Archive: compress to a zip file with NSIS?

compress to a zip file with NSIS?

I want the installer to put some files on the target machine to a ZIP file -> compress, don't extract.

Can someone point me to the right direction? All I found so far is how to extract files )-:


Best bet is to use the 7za.exe command-line tool that comes with 7-zip.


Hmm... that would mean I put the 7za.exe into the installer and call it after the installer extracted it's files to some tmp-Dir?
Then I must call 7za.exe synchronously from within the installer, the files get zipped, 7za returns, the installer finished and deletes all tmp-files including the 7za.exe.
Is this the way?

TIA xiris

BTW: I didn't find "7za.exe" after installing 7-ZIP (7z456.exe). Only "7z.exe" is available but this file needs "7z.dll" as well.
Is there a seperate download for "7za.exe" ?

Get the command line version from the download page.


I'm blind... hit me )-:
Sorry - didn't see that link.