Archive: Some plugin updates

Some plugin updates
I have updated the SysRestore plug-in with the ability to remove the system restore point (as well as code clean up and a bug fix). I added this because one may only want to keep their restore point if the install was unsuccessful.

I have also updated the AccessControl plug-in with the following:

* EnableFileInheritance
* DisableFileInheritance
* EnableRegKeyInheritance
* DisableRegKeyInheritance
* GetFileOwner
* GetFileGroup
* GetRegKeyOwner
* GetRegKeyGroup
* ClearOnFile
* ClearOnRegKey
* SidToName
* GetCurrentUserName


If you're already working on Access control, can you make it function on NT4 so I can include it with the base package?

I can see what I can do when I have some time.
You don't have an NT4 machine with Logmein Free by any chance?


I don't, but testing shouldn't be too hard as it's not currently working due to unsupported API. MSDN should be enough.

Righto, well firstly I know it uses GetAttributes to detect if a path is a file or a folder which isn't a supported API on NT4 according to MSDN. How would one go about checking that in a different way?


GetFileAttributes is available on NT4. If you want to replace it, FindFirstFile is an option. But the real problem is the string-to-SID function, if I recall correctly.

Okies thanks.


AccessControl on Vista?
i just have a quick question.
Is the AccessControl plugin working on vista as well?

Thanks for your help.
