Archive: How to detect the firefox is running or not

How to detect the firefox is running or not
:) Hi verybody
I am new in developing installer using this great nsis scripts
for my mozilla plugins,
Now the problem i stuck is at time of installation the installer must detect that the firefox browser is running or not if running it prompt to close it .and only proceed installation when it is closed by user

If anyone has any short and easy way out for this problem which require miimum end user input for this.
thanx in advance

Look for the FindProc plugin.

There are numerous plugins for checking to see if a process is running, and a lot of them have functions that can kill the process. However if you want to just ask the user to close try placing the processes check and a message box in a while loop.

This will give you an idea, I don't remember the syntax off the top of my head.

check process

if running
MessageBox MB_OK "Please close firefox"
