Archive: Silent install with STDOUT output

Silent install with STDOUT output
Is it possible to have silent install and have details to be output in STDOUT?

I run installer during automated build. I run it with \S option. As part of installation I run some nsExecToLog commands. It prints output of my command in NSIS windows in GUI mode. But when I run in silent mode I have nothing. And I really need it to see how my installation worked.

It would be nice to have silent mode but have Detailed log printed to STDOUT.

You could use the special logging build:


So if I understand correctly I need special build with scons NSIS_CONFIG_LOG=yes
then if I am in silent mode I call
LogSet on
So I will get installer.log file.

But how can I print in STDOUT when I am in silent mode. Is it possible?
Or generate this file and then run second command to read this log file in stdout my only option?

You would need to modify the NSIS source code to convert NSIS to a console application.


I see. NSIS does not have ability to print into STDOUT.

I think I will use SetLog option and then in my build automation just read install.log by next command, so I have something similar as stdout.
Thank you.

As far as I know, and according to Google, you cannot have STDOUT if the application is not a console application.


You can build NSIS with NSIS_CONFIG_LOG_STDOUT=yes. This will cause the log to be written to stdout. But nsExec doesn't go through the regular logging mechanism and directly updates the UI, so it won't appear there.

I would like to send messages to STDOUT (or to the console) at the end of a silent install. I have read here that recompiling is the only way to accomplish this.

I have recompiled with

but my LogText messages are still being sent to install.log

I am using the newly compiled makensis.exe [VC++ 9.0, sCons 0.98.5] with the Stubs from the special_build package.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

You can't use the stubs from the special_build package. The stubs are the ones that have to be rebuilt according to your configuration. Use the ones you built and it should work.

doh, VC++ noobie here.

I thought the stubs could be the issue but I could not find them in the build/release.

Changing the build command to include a target gave me the stubs I was looking for.
scons dist-zip


But the install.log does not generate
After recompile the NSIS by


I made the install detail output to the STDOUT, but I find that the install.log cannot be find.

May I have both of them in silent install? Because my uninstall need the install.log.