Archive: get installed version

get installed version
I would create an installer that check if exist a precedent installation and if the version is ad es 23.00.002 uninstall the precedent installation and install the new version.
Is possible?
I read in forum about read version from .ini file with ReadINIStr but i must create an .ini file in the installation dir?
And for check if another version is installed i must compare the .ini file(the installation directory is choose by user andcould be in unknow directory ,then the precedent installation in what directory is located ? )
The ini file must be created by nsis or i must create it by the script in the $instdir directory?

I write the version in a key of the registry and compare the new version ith this,but How uninstall,in script, the existing installation before install the new installation?


You can call the program's uninstaller from your installer. The assumes, of course, that the earlier installation had an uninstaller. If it doesn't, you might want to consider adding an uninstaller to your script.