Archive: Get File Version at Compile

Get File Version at Compile
Does anybody know if it is possible to get the version of a file at compile time? Hopefully storing it in a variable or constant. I would like to do my version compare in the .onInit function, so if the user is trying to install an old version on top of a new version it will stop them asap.

Would be bette during in "runtime"..IfFileExists.

I have no problems getting the version of the file that is actually installed. I am having troubles getting the version of the file that is bundled in the installer. I came up with the idea of setting a variable with the version of the bundled file on compile. That way I can get it set when the installer is built and use it where I need to.


Does anybody know if it is possible to get the version of a file at compile time?
GetDLLVersionLocal might do what you want:

Thanks Afrow UK that worked great!

One suggestion that might save you needing an extra script to get this at runtime:

why dont you extract the new file (at runtime) to the temp directory and get the file versions and compare them?

Having the version before hand will save you having to extract the files.


Considering that the installer already extract quite a few files to the plugins dir, one more file for version checking wouldn't add considerable overhead.

The compile time method doesnt add much either, but I would (personally) do it at runtime and have a simpler script.

If you're wanting to save yourself the trouble I just included getversion.nsi in the Registration plugin (see the wiki in Plugins). It's written for you and creates a macro you can insert directly into your compiler. An example of how to use it is also included.