Archive: Include crash problem

Include crash problem
I am seeing an issue when using the locate macro provided with NSIS in a callback function for a page. When the installer calls the callback function to test the directory's the user inputed, the installer crashes on me. This crash only seems to happen on a windows 2000 server I have. The weird thing is that it works on windows NT 4 and window XP fine.The following code example of the code that causes this problem. It verifies a directory is valid and sets the install directory to that value if valid.


page Custom Info checkNTDPSParameters

....More Code

Function CheckParameters

var /GLOBAL SearchResults

ReadINIStr $RootDir "$PLUGINSDIR\Info.ini" "Field 7" "State"

${Locate} "$INSTDIR" "/L=D /M=j2sdk-142_05" "SetTrue"

${If} $SearchResults == "FALSE"

Messagebox MB_OK "Root Directory is not valid."



StrCpy $INSTDIR $RootDir ;Set Root Directory path



Function SetTrue

StrCpy $SearchResults "TRUE"



What are the crash details?

It just quits to the desktop, no error. Is there a way to get a stack trace from the program upon crash?

You can use windbg.exe for that. It sounds like you're experiencing a stack overflow.

I'm posting the text from the debugger. Not sure how to read the output.

Posting where?

Sorry about the long delay. Hopefully this works.

Debugger says it's an access violation and not a stack overflow which is weird. Use:

To get a stack trace that'd further help debugging.