Archive: Hide a dialog window (N00b Question)

Hide a dialog window (N00b Question)
(I am new to NSIS so do pardon me.)

I simply want to hide a dialog window. I found several topics discussing in a round-about way, but nothing that directly/simply showed how to do this. In particular, I'm trying to hide the Finish dialog window inside .onInstSuccess.

This is what I tried:

Function .onInstSuccess
;FindWindow $0 $HWNDPARENT
;FindWindow $0 "" "${PRODUCT_NAME} ${PRODUCT_VERSION} Setup" 0 0

FindWindow $0 '#32770'
;FindWindow $0 '#32770' '' 0 $0

ShowWindow $0 ${SW_HIDE}
;ShowWindow $MUI_HWND ${SW_HIDE}

I cannot get any of these methods to work. Am I doing my ShowWindow line wrong?



HideWindow hides the installer. But if you don't want the finish page, simply don't use the finish page. Remove its macro insertion.


Thanks for your help (again) :P.

Well, I want to show the finish dialog.

I'm running my SQL script once they click finish, and while it runs, I'm using the NotifyIcon plugin to show a balloon in the task bar while the script runs. Then when complete, I show success or failure in my NotifyIcon.

However, I discovered that if I call NotifyIcon (or anything else GUI-related), that my NotifyIcon doesn't stay in the task bar when the mouse hovers over - the only thing keeping it open is the baloon message. SO, I moved my code up to .onInstSuccess to fix that. I thus want to hide the dialog while it continues to run, keeping my NotfyIcon in the task bar. Then I tear it down after it completes. I thought it was going to be a slick'n'quick solution, arg!

WHY doesn't this work?

FindWindow $0 '#32770' '' 0 $0
ShowWindow $0 ${SW_HIDE}


That last piece of code doesn't work because you're trying to hide the internal dialog and not the whole dialog. Just use HideWindow which does all that for you.


Yeah, that's what I thought. I tried it earlier and didn't seem to work (so I thought) so I moved on to others things. However, when I simplified my code down and tried it again as you suggested, it DOES work. But for some reason, the window paints again once I call NotifyIcon and launch my script. I'm guessing NotfiyIcon is causing it. For example:

Function .onInstSuccess

; my script from input of my custom dialog

;show our 'job starting' balloon
NotifyIcon::Icon /NOUNLOAD "fy" "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\modern-install-colorful.ico"

;now run the script
${LogAction} $CommandLine
nsExec::ExecToStack $CommandLine

Pop $0 # return value/error/timeout
Pop $1 # printed text, up to ${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN}

${If} $0 != 0
;show our job failure balloon
NotifyIcon::Icon /NOUNLOAD ".fb" "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\modern-install.ico" "TraCS Data Warehouse Installer" "Warehouse job failed!"
Sleep 4000
;Use login method used by installer and read results from our job table(s)
${If} $IsSQLLogon == '1'
StrCpy $CommandLine 'sqlcmd -Q $\"SELECT BatchType AS Type, BatchTimeLapse AS [Time Taken], BatchAffectedRows AS [Affected Rows] FROM dbo.BatchStatus;$\" \
-d $\"$DatabaseName$\" \
-b -r 0 -V 11 \
-S $\"$ServerName$\" \
-U $\"$UserName$\" \
-P $\"$Password$\" -Y 13'
StrCpy $CommandLine 'sqlcmd -Q $\"SELECT BatchType AS Type, BatchTimeLapse AS [Time Taken], BatchAffectedRows AS [Affected Rows] FROM dbo.BatchStatus;$\" \
-d $\"$DatabaseName$\" \
-b -r 0 -V 11 \
-S $\"$ServerName$\" -Y 13'

${LogAction} $CommandLine
nsExec::ExecToStack $CommandLine
Pop $R0 # return value/error/timeout
Pop $R1 # printed text, up to ${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN}

;display our initial success balloon
NotifyIcon::Icon /NOUNLOAD ".fb" "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\modern-install.ico" "TraCS Data Warehouse Installer" "Warehouse job finished successfully!"
Sleep 8000 ;sleep, for testing only

;now show our job results as gotten from out table (formatted)
NotifyIcon::Icon /NOUNLOAD ".fb" "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\modern-install.ico" "TraCS Data Warehouse Installer" $R1
Sleep 8000

;now we tell NotifyIcon to destroy our balloon; we're done.
NotifyIcon::Icon "r"


Sorry about the formatting and length. But I am finding that I should post or show the full logic in order for my scenario to make sense. So here it is.


You can attach script files to avoid formatting issues.

This problem can be solved just like the other one. Create another installer, make it silent, make it use whatever pop-ups it needs and execute it from the main installer. This way, you'll have no dialogs to handle.

Thanks for the suggestion. I just might give in! I just can't seem to get it to work the way I want here otherwise. The thing is, I KNOW there is a way to do it given all the nifty abilities of NSIS (and contributions). I think it has something to do with the /NOUNLOAD with the NotfiyIcon plugin, or how it interacts with the dialog.

Anyway, I think I'm just gonna write a quick bootstrap exe to do what I want: Then I have ultimate control. I'll leave NSIS to do what it does best: install stuff.

Thanks for the reminder, kichik. Your idea of splitting it off is gonna be the best approach.

