Archive: How determine files to install and NOT install?

How determine files to install and NOT install?
I have trillions of files and every one of them has "rating". I'd like to install only files with rating above some value. The value changes every installation so I need to have that trillions in installation. I have something like "dictionary" that contains filename and its rating. Then I include File *.* into installer but now I stuck.

Do you have any ideas?

What kind of a dictionary is it? I'd imagine the simplest way would be to write some kind of a script that'd generate your script with or without the files.

I mean "dictionary" as a form of data type:
file : rating
File1 : 1
File2 : 4
File3 : 5
There can be trillions of files and rating can be very smooth - from 0.01 to 1000.00 (for example). User gives ratio limit and installer extracts all files with rating >, <, <= or >= than input. Is this realizable with NSIS?

It's realizable with any scripting language. It can be a batch file, python, perl, ruby or even NSIS itself.

Only way how can I do it is 1) extracting ALL files and 2) delete files that doesn't fit into condition.

Aah! Condition! It seems that I need something like CONDITIONAL EXTRACTION. Is it possible with NSIS?

So the rating is determined at runtime?

Rating is known on compile time. The RATING LIMIT for extraction is given on runtime.

Then use one of the methods I've described above to collect a list of all files and create a script that'd check the rating for each of them.

So you advice me to extract ALL files from installer and leave on target system only that files, that fit into the condition?

No. Extract only those that are really needed.

One File instruction for every file? Or File *.*?

One file per File.

Sorry for your time kichik. I see that NSIS packs all files defined by File instruction (including File instructions that are in If's or on unreachable lines). I didn't know this.