Archive: Installer execution debugger?

Installer execution debugger?
Hi all:

I am new to this forum and have got involved to make an installer with NSIS for a VBasic application I have already made. The question is that when the installer is already executing, when it's about to finish, I get the error in the attachment, but I found no way to debug after the compilation of the installer is made.

Do you have any idea of how can I track the execution of the installer to know what is the cause for the type of problem I have encountered?.

Thanks in advance.

(Sorry for the text in Spanish, I can translate anything you need, of course. For the moment I don't tell you what the installer does, as it could be enough if the debugger helps. Otherwise I would post again with more details to be helped.)

Edited: I have attached a jpg file with less than 200 KB. that haven't appeared. (Any clue of how to post it?).

Thanks again.

to post it click on Post a reply and scroll down the page and attach the file

Thanks, but the question is I cannot upload the attachment.

I don't know why but after I attach the file it doesn't appear in the Reply window.

I am going to try from another computer.

You've probably clicked Preview. It doesn't actually upload the file when you click Preview and you have to select the file for uploading again before clicking Submit.

Another try:

OK. Thanks. That happens when you want to make sure everything is going to be OK

When you click "more details", what does it say?

I don't know where I should click for "more details". What is it exactly?

It's "haga clic agui" in your language.

ok, thanks. it just says an error signature, which is the following:

AppName: my installer.exe AppVer: ModName: ntdll.dll
ModVer: 5.1.2600.2180 Offset: 00001010

and then it creates a file error in order to be sent to Microsoft:

I attach it in 2 parts, for size reasons, (it says a lot of things that I don't think are related), but here it goes anyway:

Looks like some DLL you're registering is causing the crash. Try narrowing down the search by removing everything else but RegDLL and plug-in calls. Using a debugger would make this task easier as it'd give you a stack trace.

Here's the other part:

ok, kichik, thanks very much for your help. I am not very familiar with dll's and plug-ins, but I will do my best if necessary

Anyway, could you tell me which debugger could I use for to track the installer step by step?

(For your information, I have got involved in creating this installer without knowing much about NSIS, and actually, I have nearly got it work by adding a couple of functions collected in internet to a basic installer created by the HM NIS assistant.

The function that is causing the problem is one that finds the path to search a certain file, and it does get it, but then the installer collapses.

So I am nearly at the end of the job, but it seems to understand quite well the problem could make me learn a lot of things from zero, and I am not familiar with all this.

That's why I am choosing to try to deduce from a debugger where the error could lay, learn about the specific problem, and then give more details if someone were willing
to get deeper in my problem.)

Thanks again.

What code do you have after WriteUninstaller?


Hi Stu: It's a rather complicated one, but I realised something I was doing wrong; I will write back when everything is simpler or hopefully to tell I have solved my problem.
