Archive: 64 bit NULLSoft application

64 bit NULLSoft application
Is there NSIS 64bit available for download? I need this 64bit version so that it could properly read/write the registry for 64bit installer.

For example,
If you use 32bit NSIS to compile the installer, when you tried to read the registry:
it will actually read from "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework"

The same will happen when you tried to write the registry to:
and it will write to

Thanks for any help.

checkout the SetRegView instruction

Hi Anders,

It works!!! Thanks for sharing that function.

Just another quick question, do you know how to make the default installer to install the program into "C:\Program Files\" for 64 bit installer instead of "C:\Program Files (x86)\"?

Thanks again for your help :)


Hi Kichik,

It works!!!
Thank you very much!

Cheers :)