InstallDir using $PROGRAMFILES64
I have two installers for my application, 1 for 32bit and 1 for 64bit.
For 64bit, I am using:
and put
SetRegView 64
in function .onInit
For 32bit, I am using:
and put
SetRegView 32
in function .onInit
After I build my installer, I test the installation in this following order:
1. Run 32bit installer
2. Run 64bit installer.
When I run 64bit installer, the default installation directory is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MyCompany\MyApplication
If I uninstall the 32bit application and re-run the 64bit installer, and then the default directory is correct:
C:\Program Files\MyCompany\MyApplication
Any idea why?
Cheers :)
If I run 64bit installer first, the default directory is correct (C:\Program Files\MyCompany\MyApplication).
I also checked 32bit installer after run 64bit installer and the default directory is also right (C:\Program Files (x86)\MyCompany\MyApplication).