Archive: RealProgress::DetailProgress Problem

RealProgress::DetailProgress Problem
I am running into a problem with the RealProgress plugin and I was wondering if there is something I'm missing or if there is a workaround.

I want to increase the progress in the progress bar using the number of files/folders that I have gone through so far (RealProgress::DetailProgress).

This works unless the first variable for RealProgress::DetailProgress is greater than the second variable.

- RealProgress::DetailProgress 100 100 works.
- RealProgress::DetailProgress 101 100 doesn't work.
- RealProgress::DetailProgress 50 50 works.
- RealProgress::DetailProgress 51 50 doesn't work.

Here's the code snippet that I want to use to determine the number of DetailPrint's to use:

        ${locate::GetSize} "$EXEDIR" "" $0 $1 $2
IntOp $3 $1 + $2
RealProgress::DetailProgress $3 100

However, if $3 is greater than 100, it doesn't work properly.

Looks like a bug. I will look into it.


Bug Fix?
Has this been fixed?

I'm having the same problem :|

File "7za.exe"
RealProgress::SetProgress /NOUNLOAD 0
RealProgress::DetailProgress /NOUNLOAD 2000 100
nsExec::ExecToLog /OEM '"$PLUGINSDIR\7za.exe" x "$EXEDIR\Data.7z.001" -o"$INSTDIR"'

The ProgressBar just stucks @0%

Did you have any time to look at this?