Archive: problems with bgimage

problems with bgimage
hello guys i hope you can help me...

i use a backgroundimage in my installer. for this i use bgimage and a bmp file. the installer compiles fine but when i start the installer i don't see a background image. i must put it down to the task bar and mus recall ist from there then i see the background. here is the line that calls bgimage:

Function .onGUIInit
BgImage::setBg /NOUNLOAD /FILLSCREEN "$PLUGINSDIR\bgimage.bmp"
Delete $PLUGINSDIR\bgimage.bmp

how can i make it that the background is shown immediatly?

i think i'll just upload my hole script

as you can see i tried it with EBanner what didn't work either and doesn't show any image (jpg or bmp...) but music works fine and the splash screen is just perfect...

You have to redraw the background

Add the following line

BgImage::Redraw /NOUNLOAD

Then it should show the background image immediately

WOW that was pretty easy lol

many thanks works fine now...

anyone an idea why EBanner doesn't work? its more practical to use a jpg so if someone could answer this i would be very happy!

no one an idea on EBanner?

Originally posted by schuldi
no one an idea on EBanner?
enable BGGradient and it will work