Archive: InstallDirRegKey and Vista

InstallDirRegKey and Vista
InstallDirRegKey seems not to save to the registry when installating to Vista.
What is the problem and how can I correct it?


tried it with the RequestExecutionLevel command?

InstallDirRegKey does not save anything to the registry(ever), it only reads

I use RequestExecutionLevel = user and save install dir to registry.
It works on windows 95.
On Vista, there is no HKLM/Software/(mysoftware) key created.
Maybe the key is saved elsewhere; but were should I find it?
(I'm developing on win 95, my program is tested by someone else that use Vista 32)


to write to HKLM, you need admin rights (RequestExecutionLevel =admin, or use the UAC plugin)

if you don't want to require admin rights, write to HKCU instead (that means you can't use $programfiles either)

I now write to HKCU and it works.

Should I write uninstall info to HKCU too?

if RequestExecutionLevel = user (and you are not using the UAC plugin), then yes, you must put the uninstall registry info in HKCU

It seems that when you 'open with' a program installed with RequestExecutionLevel = user on Vista, this program is not added to the list.
Should I request admin rights for installing my program?

different regkeys on Vista flavors
I have plans to use the installed regkeys to determine if Winamp (v5.5.2) is installed, but the keys used seem to vary with the "flavor" of Vista...

I have seen this difference on Vista Ultimate 64 and HomePremium 32 both running on a Dell w/ AMD x64 cpu

For both XP32 and Vista Ult64 this key is valid
"HK_CLASSES_ROOT\\Winamp.File\\DefaultIcon"// Vista64

but on Vista HomePremium32 the above key is no longer used
"HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\winamp.exe")

I'm wondering why this is not consistent...?

Thanks in advance,
