Archive: NSIS, Launch4j and VISTA

NSIS, Launch4j and VISTA
hello everybody,

I have problems with my french java software installation under Vista in simple user mode...

I install my software on VISTA with NSIS 2.31 in admin privilege mode (normal, i'am install soft in 'program file' dir, i doesn't have the choice sorry)...

Install, uninstall Exe (files and shortcuts) need admin privilege mode (normal) and my EXE file (doing with launch4j who launch my main class with JAVA) not need to be launch in admin privilege mode....

VISTA said my launch4j exe file must be launch in Admin mode !!! impossible to remove this VISTA privilege requirement, VISTA doesn't want and i don't know why ...

I have try UAC plugin, SetShellVarContext on shortcuts creation, see on launch4j web site, see if not vista manifest are present etc.... i doesn't have solution, i don't understand :( :(

please, i need help, thanks...

you need a exe manifest that tells vista it does not need to elevate

for nsis applications, this is done with RequestExecutionLevel user, for 3rd party stuff, you need to add the manifest yourself, either as a resource in the exe, or as a xml file with the same base name as the exe, example "myprogram.exe.manifest"

thanks a lot :) it's working !!...

I'm very surprise cause i have already tested a other software i have made with launch4j under vista in simple user account(but in IS 5.1) and it was working good (no admin privilege needed) without put manifest on install...

-> Herited privileges from NSIS installer for all the files installed ???

thanks a lot for your help :up: you save my a lot of time... :)