Archive: ANSI/UNICODE Special Char Entries help please

ANSI/UNICODE Special Char Entries help please

I've searched the WIKI and the forum already.
The only thing that I found was the Unicode version of NSIS, I've tried it and still doesn't work.

So I think I should start some post.

Ok, I'm currently working on the uTorrent ( installer [not official]. Which will contains All of its plugins, WebUI, Language, icons, etc.

I've managed to make it works for sometimes now, however up until now I figured that the Uninstall entries and the shortcut entries are not exactly the same as the program itself. Since the name "uTorrent" , the 'u' character in this place stands for micro(µ) << the Special character representing the power of 9 in Mathematics, not the normal 'u' we've already known about.

So all I want is to change all of my entries to this 'µ' instead. However, it doesn't seems to work at all. I tried to converting my script to the Unicode format so that I can put this 'µ' in my script. But the shortcut and the uninstall entries display wrong character.

Below are my Screenies:

I have no idea what to do now. Any suggestions anyone?
May be the only way to do this is to use the RAW ASCII code or something..

Thank you guys.

Not sure about, though, I think it should be depended on target system's language options.

T_T, well that's too bad then..I've just found the µ ASCII code. But don't know how to use it in NSIS.

The ASCII code for "µ" is 'ALT+0181' (without +).

I guess I might have to leave it like this.

Thanks for the reply ^^

If you want a Unicode registry key, Unicode Windows API calls should be used to write it. Assuming that the unofficial Unicode NSIS version uses these Unicode registry functions, I think you should check whether the encoding of your script file is correct.

By the way, the mu symbol also exists in all the standard Windows ANSI codepages.

I see.., I think it's my system then. hmm.
My system could not save 'µ' character in ANSI encoding script, I have to convert it to UTF. T_T

So I think there's no way to make this installer on my system.. so sad..

But, thanks anyway for the replies.
Cheers ^^

Don't give up, Somewhere along the line you made a small mistake. IMHO The best is to start with a real minimal NSIS script from *scratch* which does nothing more than to write and entry in the registry like:

WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\mytestentry" "DisplayName" "µMyTest"

So NO old code just make a small NEW script...


It can be done, see attatchment where for fun I changed 7-Zip uninstall entry.

TIP: read this about Unicode for a good understanding.

Good luck, and thank you for choosing NSIS.

Right, now I can see that it is very normal character to the system. However, with normal script encoding (ANSI) in my system. I couldn't get it out, it displays 'ต' instead of 'µ'.

What editor are you using? I'm using Notepad ++?


The standard Notepad should work fine.

You can also use a solution similar to the following with the ANSI version.

SoKoOLz, just curious... what happened when you tried to use the Unicode NSIS? Was there a specific problem? Are you using some plugins that are not part of the regular NSIS install?