23rd January 2008 01:18 UTC
Change colours of autocomplete and "browse for folder" boxes
Is there any way of changing the colours of the resizable "autocomplete" box that appears when changing a destination folder, or of the "Browse for Folder" dialog box?
Thanks in advance.
23rd January 2008 01:53 UTC
If changing your Windows color theme|scheme doesn't work for you, I guess you'll have to write a plugin to subclass those windows.
23rd January 2008 03:31 UTC
Do you want to change the colors of 'Select folder dialog box'?
23rd January 2008 04:34 UTC
Yes, that's right. Thanks for your response, lovespy108. And also the scrollable box that appears that pops up when you manually edit the folder text box. Obviously, changing the Windows theme isn't the sort of solution I was after :rolleyes: , but I was hoping someone would know how to do one or both of them programatically in the script, without resorting to a plugin.
23rd January 2008 07:23 UTC
I think it's hard.Let me try to help you!
Afrow UK
23rd January 2008 13:32 UTC
The answer would be to create your own dialog as a replacement. I doubt you will be able to skin the existing dialog because it is a common dialog built into Windows.
23rd January 2008 21:56 UTC
Thanks anyway!