Archive: Display & Clear a Message in .OnInit

Display & Clear a Message in .OnInit
Dear All,

In my Function .onInit, I'm doing lot of pre-requisites detection & installation before going for the actual installation of my application. I want to throw a message
like :

"Checking pre-requisites....this may take several minutes..."

And after all the pre-requsisites routines are over, this
message will go away, and the message will come:

"Checking & installation of pre-requsites are about to enter to main installation..."

after 2-3 seconds, this msg will go away when the following
be called at the end in .onInit:

Goto AppInstall
MessageBox MB_YESNO "This will install MyApplication. Continue?" IDYES NoAbort
Abort ; causes installer to quit.

With regards,

The included banner plugin should do that.
Also, there are several similar plugins in wiki.

Thanks Red Wine for the quick response. I thought Banner is an external plugin which I've to include in my project.
