Archive: S.O.S. acrobat reader installer

S.O.S. acrobat reader installer
hey. i gotta create an adobe reader installer with NSIS and i cannot find even the smallest hint of how to begin. if you have some clues..examples that might help me, i would really appreciate them:). THANK YOU

Adobe requires a signed license agreement (free, as in beer) before they permit their reader to be distributed. When you've submitted that, they provide a link where you get the version they want you to distribute.

They also have a utility to customize some properties, including making it a silent install. Once you've done that, all it takes is ExecWait.

I check a reg key first to see if it is already installed before I install Adobe Reader. The key I look at is HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AcroRd32.exe
