Error Code 87 with CABSetup plugin
I am attempting to make a small NSIS script that will help me in the creation/extraction of cab files. Currently, I am playing around with the CABSetup sample files to learn more about how to use the plugin.
I was successful in creating the cab file. Now, I wish to extract from the cab file. However, I get an error code 87 before anything happens. I'm wondering if anyone is able to help me figure out what's going on?
A lot of the code is just copied from the sample, but here it is anyhow:
Section ExtractCab
CABSetup::Extract "C:\Installer\Test\MasterCab\Disk1\MASTER1.CAB" "/TARGET=C:\Installer\Test2" \
/ALL "/reportfile=C:\Installer\Test\MasterCab\MASTER.RPT" \
"/showrate" "/resume"
Pop $R0
; Quit if the extraction completed without error.
${IfThen} $R0 = 0 ${|} Goto Done ${|}
; Handle case where extraction was cancelled.
${If} $R0 = 995
DetailPrint "Extract process was cancelled"
SetDetailsPrint None
Goto Done
DetailPrint "Extract failed with error code $R0"
DetailPrint 'Dumping install details log...'
DumpLog::DumpLog 'test.log' .r0
And here is the log output:
Extract failed with error code 87
Dumping install details log...
If anyone has any ideas, let me know! I could use the help. I have never worked with cab files before.