Archive: DES in NSIS

DES Encryption (or encryption in general) in NSIS
Sorry if this has been answered before but is there any way to invoke DES encryption/decryption from within a NSIS script?

I want to encrypt/decrypt a string.

Thanks in advance,

Probably yes, assuming calling the library via system plugin or recompiling the source of it into nsis portable plugin.

Excuse my ignorance but I'm assuming you mean calling a Win32 library via system::call ?

Ah I see that I can use Advapi32.dll to access the CryptEncrypt function.

But this CryptEncrypt function needs pointers to data created with the CryptImportKey which in turn needs data created with CryptAcquireContext function.

Can I string these together, i.e. passing the vars from one system call to another?

Also I see that some of the functions use a HCRYPTKEY data type. Is this type supported in system calls from NSIS?

System plugin supports all the return types, the question here is...what would the propper code, there's a system tutorial around here and @ wikis, search the forums about pointers and system plugin, read the docs, so you can know how to :)

HCRYPTPROV,HCRYPTKEY and HCRYPTHASH are probably pointer sized, use i and *i

Ok I'll try this out in my spare time. I've gone through the MSDN and collated the function sigs and here is what I have so far.

BOOL WINAPI CryptEncrypt(
__in HCRYPTKEY hKey, **CryptImportKey**
__in HCRYPTHASH hHash, **NULL**
__in BOOL Final, **TRUE**
__in DWORD dwFlags, **0 or NULL**
__inout BYTE* pbData, **string to be encrypted** **when function done it contains encrypted**
__inout DWORD* pdwDataLen, **length in bytes of above**
__in DWORD dwBufLen

BOOL WINAPI CryptImportKey(
__in HCRYPTPROV hProv, **returned by CryptAquireContext**
__in BYTE* pbData,
__in DWORD dwDataLen,
__in HCRYPTKEY hPubKey,
__in DWORD dwFlags, **CRYPT_NO_SALT**
__out HCRYPTKEY* phKey **returned**

BOOL WINAPI CryptAcquireContext(
__out HCRYPTPROV* phProv, **returned**
__in LPCTSTR pszContainer, **NULL uses default**
__in LPCTSTR pszProvider, **MS_DEF_PROV** **NULL uses default**
__in DWORD dwProvType, **NULL?**
__in DWORD dwFlags **0**

Am I on the right track here?

If you're not locked on DES, you could use the Blowfish plug-in.

Unfortunately I have to decrypt a string from legacy code (reg entry) that was encrypted in DES.