Archive: Getting External Version Number

Getting External Version Number
I have a couple of installers that I use to install applications from our developer group. These work GREAT! However, I have to edit the installer each release to update the Version number from the developers. I would like to read the Version number from a file, so that I don't need to edit the script.

I've tried a number of things but can't seem to get the Version number before I have to define the OutFile.

I currently have the following:
!define VERSION SP3.1b

; The name of the installer
Name "MyApp ${VERSION} Client"

; The file to write
OutFile "MyApp-${VERSION}-Installer.exe"

; Update/Create the autorun.inf file
!system 'echo [autorun] > autorun.inf'
!system 'echo "open=MyApp-${VERSION}-Installer.exe /NCRC" >> autorun.inf'
!system 'echo "icon=MyApp-256x256.ico" >> autorun.inf'

Any help would be greatly appreciated...


Hi there!

I'm sure you can adapt the ideas from this wiki article to your needs:




Sometimes I just get into a hole and keep digging, and digging, and digging....

Thanks A Lot for the lift out!
