Archive: How to divide an installer in several packages?

How to divide an installer in several packages?

I build a big installer (300Mo). If I launch it from a CD with Windows Vista, I can wait 1 minute before seeing the start message. I don't wait so long with Windows XP.

I think Windows Vista verify the installer before the launch. How can I avoid it? Can I divide the installer in severals packages (10 Mo each for example)? Then Windows Vista may only verify the first package (with exe extension).


While I cannot give you the code involved, I can tell you about what I did here at my company:

1. Using 7zip.exe we generate zip files which are split into equal sized parts.
2. I then wrote a simple wrapper around the 7za.exe command line tool, which made the exe into a simple plugin. (i.e. it would accept command line input.)
3. The installer scripts then, use the plugin to unzip the files.

See for information about 7zip:

Now our executables are in the 8GB range, also we have a whole frame work put together which builds the targets for us. If you are only doing this for one installer, I'd suggest using a make file.

all questions have been asked so often, you will find many postings.. if you search

Thanks for your answers. And sorry for my late answer.
Now I use the "CopyFiles" command. Now, the loading is fast and I can see the left time.

I have searched but my english is bad. I know only few words for my search...