11th February 2008 09:21 UTC
install problem on win2003server
i made my setup.exe and i can correctly install it under windowsXP, but on win2003server i'm able to install my application just if i'm admin, if i log in on win2003server as normal user i can't install and neither uninstall the application.
When install my app as admin on win2003server all the user all able to run the app, but no one can't uninstall it.
If i'm a normal user i can just run the app.
The normal users have a not-restricted account, why can't they remove the app and install the app?
11th February 2008 10:12 UTC
a normal user can NOT write to $programfiles or the HKLM part of the registry
11th February 2008 14:23 UTC
but if i'm admin and i install the app, all my users can run it, my app creates a folder in
C:\Documents and setting\username\myapp
when the admin uninstall the app there is away to delete all the myapp dirs in each user space?
in pseudo code:
for( i = 0; i<alltheuser; i++ )
remove C:\Documents and setting\alltheuser[i]\myapp
i've the same problem when i remove the the register keys in HKCU, the admin keys have been removed the users keys are not.
Any hint?
11th February 2008 15:18 UTC
thx for the script, but i have still a problem, with key i have to read to know all the users?
12th February 2008 09:17 UTC
i have some questions about this script
this is the section that call the function
${EnumUsersReg} CallbackFunction temp.key
i call CallbackFunction with a parameter temp.key
First question: who's temp.key? I have not defined any temp.key before
That's the function:
Function CallbackFunction
Pop $0
ReadRegStr $0 HKU "$0\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer" "Download Directory"
DetailPrint $0
Second question: CallbackFunction has not parameter in input, why do i call it with temp.key?
12th February 2008 21:41 UTC
temp.key is the registry key into which each user's hive will be loaded.
13th February 2008 14:43 UTC
my problem is that i have to call:
${EnumUsersReg} CallbackFunction temp.key
into an unistall section, but i get an error in this way:
Function un.CallbackFunction
Pop $0
ReadRegStr $0 HKU "$0\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer" "Download Directory"
DetailPrint $0
Section Uninstall
${EnumUsersReg} un.CallbackFunction temp.key
any hint?
14th February 2008 11:11 UTC
Prefix every function's name with "un." in that script. The errors should guide you to missed spots.