Archive: 32-bit NSIS installer launching 64-bit child processes?

32-bit NSIS installer launching 64-bit child processes?
Hey guys, I'm having trouble launching DPInst from NSIS (to install my NIC drivers) on 64-bit versions of windows. It seems that no matter how I launch the executable from NSIS (Exec, ExecWait, ExecShell, or through a .cmd scripte with any of the 3), i can not get the Process to show up as a 64-bit process...

If I run it from the shell or from CMD, it works fine...
DPInst must be run as a 64-bit process to function...

any suggestions?

Where is it installed? Is it $SYSDIR? Did you turn off redirection?

well, take a look:


Name "CDIF"
SetCompressor lzma
RequestExecutionLevel highest
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME

OutFile "setup.exe"
CRCCheck on

Section "Driver"
SetOutPath "$TEMP\cdif\"
File /r "installer\"
ExecWait "$TEMP\cdif\setup.cmd"
RMDir /r "$TEMP\cdif\"


((echo %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% | find "IA64" /C) >> nul) && goto win64
((echo %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% | find "64" /C) >> nul) && goto winx64

cd Win32
goto install

cd Win64
goto install

cd Winx64
goto install

DPInst.exe /C /LM /Q

The DPInst in each folder (for 32, AMD64, or IA64) is the correct version.

I just need to launch them as a process with the right bit-depth...

PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE will return x86 when probed in 32-bit cmd.exe. Check for the executable to run with RunningX64 instead.

${If} ${RunningX64}
ExecWait `"$TEMP\cdif\winx64\dpinst.exe" /C /LM /Q`
ExecWait `"$TEMP\cdif\win32\dpinst.exe" /C /LM /Q`
You can also probe PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 instead.

Please help me
Hello. Please help me. I'm newbee.

I have i386, ia64, amd64, wow64 different dll files. How can I choose and copy files to system folder?
Can I use it like this?

SetOutPath "$SYSDIR\"
if (processor==ia64) { File "ia64\kbdmon.dll" }
elseif (processor==amd64) { File "amd64\kbdmon.dll" }
elseif (processor==wow64) { File "wow64\kbdmon.dll" }
else { File "i386\kbdmon.dll" }

If yes please help me how to I write in my *.nsi file. I don't know much about programming language.