Archive: RmDir dirs still left

RmDir dirs still left

I'm using a MUI macro to define a function which is executed when the user press cancel:

define MUI_CUSTOMFUNCTION_ABORT abortFunction 

In that function I want to delete the installation Folder because I copy some files in a previous custom dialog:


MessageBox MB_OK "Called"
After the installer has been closed the files are all deleted, but the directories still exists. The OutPath isn't set "SetOutPath)


That's a very dangerous function. You don't even check to make sure $INSTDIR was set and that you're in the right page. What if the user is on the directory page, starts to type "C:\Program Files\Application" but only gets to "C:\Program Files" and cancels? You'll wipe out his entire Program Files directory.

As for the problem itself, the directory is probably being used in some way. A possible cause is SetOutPath as you've mentioned. If you're sure it's not it, there are plenty others. You can use Process Explorer to search for open handles to the installation directory.

Ah, thats right! Good that you post it in here! So what do you think is the safest way to delete it once its set and only those files which are installed?



I think the directory is set because I call the custom page after the MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY

insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME

>!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
Page custom DriverPage DriverPageLeave
>!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_STARTMENU Application $StartMenuGroup
>!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
>!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
>!insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM
The only thing I have to do is to check if it is set, don't I?

I found out with:

MessageBox MB_OK $INSTDIR 

On each page where I can abort, the path is c:\Program Files\${PRODUCT_NAME}

You should simply not create the files at such an early stage of the installation. Create the files in the first section. This way, you don't have to delete them in case the user cancels before installation begins.

I'm get the information, which files have to be copied of a listbox and that is created on a page before the main section. Is there any way to store those references and copy them in a section:


!insertmacro MakeDirBase "$INSTDIR\driver"

# Copy all drivers into the installation-directory
Sendmessage $ListBox ${LB_GETCOUNT} 0 0 $0
StrCpy$1 0
System::Call user32::SendMessage(i$ListBox,i${LB_GETTEXT},i$1,t.r3)
CopyFiles $3 $INSTDIRdriver
IntOp$1 $1 + 1
${ifthen} $1 < $0 ${|} goto loop ${|}


You can save their paths in variables or if you want to save actual files, you can put them in $PLUGINSDIR which is automatically deleted when the installation ends. Just don't forget to call InitPluginsDir to initialize it.

After the installer has been closed the files are all deleted, but the directories still exists. The OutPath isn't set "SetOutPath"
Ever thought, that INSTDIR ist locked that way from explorer?
Use SetOutPath $EXEDIR to unlock

SetOutPath doesn't affect Explorer, it affects the installer's working directory.

>> SetOutPath doesn't affect Explorer

sure - it does - check it with unlocker - explorer locks it as
soon setoutpath is set. you can do all except deleting the directory.

eg setups with a predefined installer (nsis is also a good container)...
nsis extracts - installer needs to point to his directory with
setoutpath - after that i need to point away to delete the temporary directory (dont has to be pluginsdir).
every portable program has that limit.

Then that's an error on Unlocker's side or Explorer does some dirty trick. In any case, once the installer exits, no one will use the directory anymore. It's not a limitation of every program, it's a conscious call NSIS makes to set the working directory to that specified by SetOutPath.

>> Explorer does some dirty trick

maybe that - in any case i failed it was explorer who was sitting on it like a mother duck on its egg.
Unlocker didnt failed once here - sometimes i forget to close editor or sandbox which lock folders too - annoying although the document is closed long ago - the working path is still set and that is same problem like explorer behaves.

so i started to set the path afterwards any action to prevent that nevertheless nsis or explorer caused it.