Archive: Second Life installer script

Second Life installer script
I am a newbie to NSIS, so this question might be really silly. :D

When I tried to compile a installer by the nis script which is provided by Linden Lab, I got an error, and I have no idea what I am gonna do. Anyone who knows this problem, please help.

Invalid command: %%VERSION%%
Error in script "C:\linden\indra\newview\installers\windows\installer_template.nsi" on line 33 -- aborting creation process

Thanks in advance!

As the script's name suggests, it's a template. You must first replace the template variables with real script commands. There's probably an external program or script that does that for you. It's probably documented somewhere in the script itself or near it.

thx man!! You are right, there's another script outside the folder which will do the whole packaging thing.