Archive: dynamic outfile name?

dynamic outfile name?
How can I accomplish the following: I have several installer options, all of which determine a part of the outfile name I want to give.

How can I concatenate the bits $0, $1, $2, ... to one string $res and then do something like

OutFile $res?

I know that I can use !define etc and set the Outfilename statically, but I'm having 4 options, so this would give 2*2*2*2 nested !ifdef etc, which is cumbersome.

Thank you!

is this it???

StrCpy $res "$0,$1,$2,$3"

You can't use variables at compile time.


You can't use variables to tell the compiler where to write the installer.
Use defines instead.

Originally posted by Afrow UK
You can't use variables at compile time.
i keep forgeting these things.

but then is a dynamic outfile name possible???

You are talking about compile time, so variables are definitely out, but defines will work.

You can use !if, !ifdef, and !else. You also can !execute an external program (exe, bat, vbs, etc) to create an nsh file with !defines in it. All of these would count as 'dynamic' actions.
