23rd February 2008 09:12 UTC
Ok so I am having trouble getting this to change in my installer.
here's how I have my line:
but when I go to test my installer, they are defaulting to what seems like 000000. Any idea why this is acting this way?
23rd February 2008 10:39 UTC
Make sure you put the define in the right place. I'd say that should go before any page macro, but I don't know UMUI so you'll have to verify with the documentation.
23rd February 2008 21:06 UTC
yeah...I've got it at the top of the page...before all macros and pages. Everything else I define works, but for some reason this thing just isn't changing.
!define VERSION ""
!define NAME "AE Clan Map Pack 1"
Name "${NAME} ${VERSION}"
OutFile "${Name} ${VERSION}.exe"
SetCompressor /FINAL lzma
XPStyle on
BrandingText "${Name} ${VERSION}"
; HM NIS Edit Wizard helper defines
!define PRODUCT_NAME "AE Clan Map Pack 1"
;Include UltraModernUI
!include "UMUI.nsh"
;Interface Settings
!define MUI_ABORTWARNING ;This brings up the warning box when you exit the installer
!define MUI_ICON "C:\Users\Alex\Documents\AE Installer\Ffred.ico" ; The install icon, ico file address.
!define MUI_COMPONENTSPAGE_CHECKBITMAP "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Checks\colorful.bmp"
; This is the check box graphic type, this define and the address after it allows the use of custom checkboxes.
;The Icons for the setup file and the un-install icons...
;The main body colors, font colors of the titles and main body fonts...
!define MUI_TEXT_COLOR "999999" ; This is the Text Color of the font on the installer main body.
!define MUI_BGCOLOR "171717" ; This is the background color of the installer main body.
!define UMUI_TEXT_LIGHTCOLOR "999999"
; Font color of Titles like the "Description" in the components screen and "Destination Folder" on the install screen.
;The Two installer images, extract the standard ones from..
;"C:\Program Files\NSIS\Contrib\UltraModernUI\Skins\blue"
;(or grey, green / other folders) work on them, save them and adjust the new name and address to suit.
!define UMUI_LEFTIMAGE_BMP "C:\Users\Alex\Documents\AE Installer\LeftBranding.bmp"
;The file address of the 171 wide X 384 High .BMP graphic file for the left side image.
!define UMUI_HEADERIMAGE_BMP "C:\Users\Alex\Documents\AE Installer\Header_2.bmp"
; The file address of the 690 wide X 59 High .BMP graphic file for the top Header image.
;The Bottom Bar, in the same place as the above images, font colors and "Branding text"...
!define UMUI_BOTTOMIMAGE_BMP "C:\Users\Alex\Documents\AE Installer\BtmImg.bmp"
; The file address of the 690 wide X 30 High .BMP graphic file for the top Header image. The bottom bar graphics file address.
!define UMUI_BRANDINGTEXTFRONTCOLOR "000000" ;The topside font color for the "Brand Name" on the bottom bar.
!define UMUI_BRANDINGTEXTBACKCOLOR "FFFFFF" ;The background (shadow) font color for the "Brand Name" on the bottom bar.
!define MUI_LICENSEPAGE_BUTTON "I accept >" ; Text to display on the 'I Agree' button.
That's a piece of my code...it goes on to define the macros and pages and all that, but it's pretty long so I won't paste it all i here. Any suggestions on things I can try?
25th February 2008 20:16 UTC
Well I still haven't figured this out.
I even tried changing the default macro in the NSIS.nsi file that is run and still nothing...
could this be something regarding vista and not my installer? I saw something from a long time ago referencing this not working for XP for some time...