Archive: Umui_text_lightcolor

Ok so I am having trouble getting this to change in my installer.

here's how I have my line:


but when I go to test my installer, they are defaulting to what seems like 000000. Any idea why this is acting this way?

Make sure you put the define in the right place. I'd say that should go before any page macro, but I don't know UMUI so you'll have to verify with the documentation.

yeah...I've got it at the top of the page...before all macros and pages. Everything else I define works, but for some reason this thing just isn't changing.


!define VERSION ""
!define NAME "AE Clan Map Pack 1"


Name "${NAME} ${VERSION}"
OutFile "${Name} ${VERSION}.exe"

SetCompressor /FINAL lzma

XPStyle on
BrandingText "${Name} ${VERSION}"

; HM NIS Edit Wizard helper defines
!define PRODUCT_NAME "AE Clan Map Pack 1"

;Include UltraModernUI

!include "UMUI.nsh"

;Interface Settings

!define MUI_ABORTWARNING ;This brings up the warning box when you exit the installer
!define MUI_ICON "C:\Users\Alex\Documents\AE Installer\Ffred.ico" ; The install icon, ico file address.

!define MUI_COMPONENTSPAGE_CHECKBITMAP "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Checks\colorful.bmp"
; This is the check box graphic type, this define and the address after it allows the use of custom checkboxes.
;The Icons for the setup file and the un-install icons...

;The main body colors, font colors of the titles and main body fonts...
!define MUI_TEXT_COLOR "999999" ; This is the Text Color of the font on the installer main body.
!define MUI_BGCOLOR "171717" ; This is the background color of the installer main body.
!define UMUI_TEXT_LIGHTCOLOR "999999"
; Font color of Titles like the "Description" in the components screen and "Destination Folder" on the install screen.

;The Two installer images, extract the standard ones from..
;"C:\Program Files\NSIS\Contrib\UltraModernUI\Skins\blue"
;(or grey, green / other folders) work on them, save them and adjust the new name and address to suit.
!define UMUI_LEFTIMAGE_BMP "C:\Users\Alex\Documents\AE Installer\LeftBranding.bmp"
;The file address of the 171 wide X 384 High .BMP graphic file for the left side image.
!define UMUI_HEADERIMAGE_BMP "C:\Users\Alex\Documents\AE Installer\Header_2.bmp"
; The file address of the 690 wide X 59 High .BMP graphic file for the top Header image.

;The Bottom Bar, in the same place as the above images, font colors and "Branding text"...
!define UMUI_BOTTOMIMAGE_BMP "C:\Users\Alex\Documents\AE Installer\BtmImg.bmp"
; The file address of the 690 wide X 30 High .BMP graphic file for the top Header image. The bottom bar graphics file address.
!define UMUI_BRANDINGTEXTFRONTCOLOR "000000" ;The topside font color for the "Brand Name" on the bottom bar.
!define UMUI_BRANDINGTEXTBACKCOLOR "FFFFFF" ;The background (shadow) font color for the "Brand Name" on the bottom bar.

!define MUI_LICENSEPAGE_BUTTON "I accept >" ; Text to display on the 'I Agree' button.

That's a piece of my goes on to define the macros and pages and all that, but it's pretty long so I won't paste it all i here. Any suggestions on things I can try?

Well I still haven't figured this out.

I even tried changing the default macro in the NSIS.nsi file that is run and still nothing...

could this be something regarding vista and not my installer? I saw something from a long time ago referencing this not working for XP for some time...