Archive: Few things what are bugging me

Few things what are bugging me
1) How can i make a simple extra execuatable What checks a list of files located on a website in .txt or .xml or w/e

Then compare that file in there folder with the one hosted on the site for example... is different to the file in there folder, if it is different then it downloads the file and puts it directly into there folder, overrighting old file.
When it does this, i want it to update/add a version number to the registry

2) How can I make the installer Read from registry for a certain registry file, and that file has a location to a folder. If its there for a certain file to be added to the files extracted/installed

3) ON installing i want it to check if the version of installer is newer than a version added to registry

4) I want to check if a path in the registry if given if so thats the Install Directory.

Please help.


Thanks Red.

What a idiot i am, i forgot to read the docs/help lol, i never normally forget toread it

EDIT: Dude... wtf that stuff is to complicated... anyone care to help me on msn, i have a script allready done i just want to add some extra stuff

I can't understand them... anyone help on msn please