Archive: Putting the Set-Up File In Control panel

Putting the Set-Up File In Control panel
I am Developing a set-Up using NSIS.I am Created the SetUp.exe and UninstallSetup.exe for installation and un-installation of the application.

Now the problem I am facing is how I able to put this file in the Control could panel So that one could able to find that the software is installed. And also how could I able to invoke the Remove method from Control panel so that the user could able to uninstall the software.

Can anyone help me?

Do you mean Add/Remove programs? Check the example scripts.


Thank you For your suggestion.It is Working Properly.But i am still facing one more problem that When i am giving the Registry path as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\MyInstallKey
For keeping My Set-Up Un-installation path
It is putting that key in


I do not want that UnInstall file threre

Can you help me?

Sounds like you're installing a 32bit program on 64bit windows. It keeps 32bit stuff separate.

No I am Not Installing 32 bit is Specifically and only work with 64 bit machine.Even i am creating a simple key Say "HKLM\Software\MS\Windows\NewKey" It is registering in Wow6432Node only, Looks like Any registry entry made From this installation is going there only.How could I able solve this.

Can you help me?

try looking at "SetRegView". That changes which registry (32bt vs 64) will be used for the registry commands.