Archive: Overwhelmed :(

Overwhelmed :(
I'm working on creating an installer which simply installs some files, creates some lnk's and writes some registry. However, I haven't really learnt a programming language before, and although this is only a scripting language I'm getting a little overwhelmed working my way through it.

I've had a look at a bunch of sample scripts and have copied and edited what I have thought to do using the Eclipse plugin and Script wizard, but still the actual structure of the installer I think is still a little vague, I was wondering if someone could point me to a friendly resource, or perhaps offer a small explanation as to the NSIS system and its major parameters for simple installers..?

TIA if any help. :]

There are a bunch of basic tutorials, including the one that comes with NSIS in Chapter 2. Google should show you all of them.

Thanx for that Kichik!

Just what I been looking for - a tutorial for short, fat, knuckleheads!!

Originally posted by kichik
There are a bunch of basic tutorials, including the one that comes with NSIS in Chapter 2. Google should show you all of them.
Thanks for the reply, I think I've already read the basic tutorials. The problem is they are very basic, and there doesn't seem to be any intermediate ones :)

Kaos, cool your jets or get a GF (if you already have one, I'd suggest she isn't the 'one')