Archive: Nature of Reboot

Nature of Reboot
To update the app, the user clicks on the installer. If a version is already installed, it calls the uninstaller and then installs the current version.

The uninstaller removes some stuff with the /REBOOTOK flag.

How can I have the uninstaller pass a value to the installer telling it if a reboot is necessary?

If a reboot is necessary, the installer shows a message telling the user "a reboot is necessary before proceeding with installation".

If the message is in the uninstaller and the user doesn't choose to restart, the uninstaller has no way of making the installer that called it abort, correct?

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the nature of reboot. Reboot does not make the installation/uninstallation stop in its tracks and wait for the computer to reboot before proceeding?

In that case the code would just continue to execute while the computer is trying to reboot, which is why you need to put an Abort or Quit or whatnot after the Reboot?

Why can't the installer/uninstaller make a note of where it is, Reboot, and then continue what it was doing on reboot?

Excuse my ignorance.

Hi anonymo

I had the same problem first. I now write with my installer an entry to

HKLM "Software\microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Run"

and then give the user a Messagebox, telling him that the computer is now rebooted. After rebooting the first action of the installer is to delete the run-entry.

With WinXP it has no problems but with Vista u must have a look on UAC, because UAC blocks autostart-programs so the user has to allow the blocked autostart program.

good luck
M. Ratz

Originally posted by M. Ratz

With WinXP it has no problems but with Vista u must have a look on UAC, because UAC blocks autostart-programs so the user has to allow the blocked autostart program.
Do not assume that you can write to HKLM on any NT system!

@ Anders

Of course you are right. In my installer I require admin-rights so that I can write to HKLM.

my fault sry