Archive: After file association not able to open a particular file

After file association not able to open a particular file
I use this link for File association "". It works fine for my extension.But facing one problem.I cannot open a selected file.The problem is I made association with my extension say ".hon". Also I have many files with this extension say "abc.hon,apple.hon".I want to play "abc.hon" when i double-click "abc.hon",my player get activated but abc.hon is not played.In my player code I have written code to accept parameters but I think its something we can do with nsis. Does anyone know to solve this problem?As I am new to nsis all great ideas will help me to solve issue.

Thanks in advance

Hi All,
I find the problem & yet not solved.Actually the problem was with filename.With the " registerExtension.nsh" the filenames cannot be more than 8 chars.Also there should not be "." in between.
EX: abcdefhi.hon will play (as it has 8 chars).But
abcdefghij.hon will not play.
Also a.b.hon will not play (as it contains '.').

But I dont know to solve.Please somebody help.

Thanks In Advance

Sounds like a problem in the player itself if it's having trouble with certain lengths of names. Add some debugging code in there to make sure you get the right argument first and then try to figure out why it's not used properly.

My problem is solved.yes it was problem with the player.I misjudge the error.In the player code I was checking the extension ".hon".So when a folder with space inbetween comes for example ['My Workplace' is shown as 'My2~\filename.hon']then its shown with "~" sign thus finally the checking for extension w'ont work.
