Archive: Multiple Sections Radio button

Multiple Sections Radio button
I am using the MUI.nsh (Modern User Interface). When using the MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS the effect I get is that for each Section with no "-" as first letter, I get a selection on/off presented in a list to the user.

However I have two (possibly more) sections that I would like to be optional so that you only pick one, and that will be reflected in the "Required" size shown as a sum of bytes to install selected sections.

I gather I could use some dialog in NSIS that presents a radio button with some options, but it would then not be visible at the moment of selecting other on/off sections. So I would like two or more sections to mutually exclude each other, e.g. if you pick A you can´t use B or C, and if picking C you can´t use A or B. That said sections D and E and F can be chosen (or not) normally with a click in the check box in front of them.

Any help to obtain that would be appreciated. I haven´t found a way to do that when searching the NSIS help or the Forum.

Checkout the included example one-section.nsi

Thanks Red Wine! I appreciate it a lot. :)

I now fixed my script as I wanted with this simple tip. :D

Saved me a lot of headaches, and is a non-intrusive solution too. The only hiccup or objection I can think of about this solution is that the name "one-section.nsi" is not that intuitive for my taste, perhaps "one-section-radio.nsi" or "one-section-of-several.nsi" would be more leading names ... but that is perhaps just the sore loser whining :cry: