Archive: Combobox


How can i change the State of a Combobox???
I usw this:

WriteINIStr "$PLUGINSDIR\abc.ini" "Field 7" "State" 1

but i doesnt work.

help please

State couldn't be 0/1, should be an item from "Listitems".
See what the documentation refers about,

Specifies the state of the control. This is updated when the user closes the window, so you can read from it from NSIS. For edit texts and dir and file request boxes, this is the string that is specified. For radio button and check boxes, this can be '0' or '1' (for unchecked or checked). For list boxes, combo boxes and drop lists this is the selected items separated by pipes ('|'). For Links and Buttons this can specify something to be executed or opened (using ShellExecute).

okay thanks