Archive: quicklaunch and sendto (all users)

quicklaunch and sendto (all users)
hello i am trying to create a global shortcut for the quicklaunch toolbar and the right click send to menu.

i need these for all users, not just the current user.

i tried:

SetShellVarContext all

;Quick Launch icon
CreateShortCut "$QUICKLAUNCH\My app Tool.lnk" "$INSTDIR\myapp.exe"

CreateShortCut "$SENDTO\My app.lnk" "$INSTDIR\myapp.exe"

but this only creates the links for the current (admin) user.

is it possible to make these for all users.


there is no all users folder for these, the best you can do is to enum all users and create a shortcut in each users folder (you need to be admin to do this)

thank you for your response. you have saved me hours of searching.

is it possible to add a shortcut to an all users desktop?

is it possible to add a shortcut to an all users desktop?
Same way as you wrote above , SetShellVarContext all