Archive: Problem with InstallDirRegKey

Problem with InstallDirRegKey

I found in NSIS\Examples\bigtest.nsi an example that uses InstallDirRegKey

InstallDirRegKey HKLM "Software\NSISTest\BigNSISTest" ""

When i test the script $INSTDIR is not set properly. I changed the script to

InstallDirRegKey HKLM "Software\NSISTest\BigNSISTest" "Install_Dir"

And now $INSTDIR is set to the correct path read on the registry.
I tried to put InstallDirRegKey in my own script but $INSTDIR is always set to InstallDir.
I found a workaround in NSIS Manual that consists of

Function .onInit
StrCmp $INSTDIR "" label1 label2

But i was wondering why i was not able to make InstallDirRegKey work...
If anyone has an idea what i could do wrong.

i used EclipseNSIS wizard to make my script with MUI interface

!define REGKEY "SOFTWARE\${COMPANY}\$(^Name)"
InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\$(^Name)\"
InstallDirRegKey HKLM "${REGKEY}" "Path"

I also used dumpstate::debug to set breakpoint to see what was the value of $INSTDIR and found it was set to InstallDir but was unable to debug InstallDirRegKey.

Example fixed.

As for your code, do you have a WriteRegStr there as well?

Hi kichik !

Extract of my nsi script :

Section -post SEC0002
WriteRegStr HKLM "${REGKEY}" Path $INSTDIR

Have you verified it's written there?

For me it is written in the registry at the right place.
I guess if it wasn't, the code below i use as a workaround wouldn't work, would it ? :


More information :
"${REGKEY}" contains spaces
Tried entry_name with and without quotes
makensis version 2.17

The language string $(^Name) doesn't work in InstallDirRegKey because lang strings aren't initialized at the point InstallDirRegKey is called.

So instead of geting the InstallDir from key Software\NSISTest\BigNSISTest it's trying to get it from key Software\NSISTest\$(^Name)

If you want to use $(^Name) in the key. Use ReadRegStr $INSTDIR HKLM "${REGKEY}" after .onInit is called.

Thank you very much {_trueparuex^} ! i have now my explanation why i couldn't use InstallDirRegKey.
I already used ReadRegStr .onInit as a workaround...

Thx All again !

i just realized that it means that the Wizard of EclipseNSIS has a bug because it adds the lines :

!define REGKEY "SOFTWARE\$(^Name)"
InstallDirRegKey HKLM "${REGKEY}" Path

Is it posible to access constant/variable "Name" otherwise by $(^Name) ? I tried ${Name} but didn't work.